Friday, February 18, 2011

Egmont Key

Egmont Key has a unique natural and cultural history, including a lighthouse that has stood since 1858. During the 19th century, the island served as a camp for captured Seminoles at the end of the Third Seminole War and was later occupied by the Union Navy during the Civil War. The Key is located at the entrance of Tampa Bay. The west side of the island is in the Gulf of Mexico. It is not a recomended anchorage in bad weather.

Not many folks here this day, just the guys who run the Pilot boats. The channnel just north of the island is the major shipping lane for Tampa.

First Light

The water was a bit nippy, 64 degreess!

Searching for that special shell.

It's back breaking work...

Now that is a nice one....and the shell looks good too!

Our neighbor. You can just make out the Skyway bridge in the distance. It's about 7 miles from Egmont key.

Morning at Egmont.

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